Friday, December 11, 2009

From the Activities Director

Things to do in the holler in winter. Buy wood,  stack wood, carry wood. Build fire, tend fire, carry ashes. Stare at vintage water-stain on ceiling. Sometimes it looks like droopy breasts; sometimes like the Hindenburg. Meditate on cobwebs and wonder what's inside them (could be a goat). Buy wood,  stack wood, carry wood. Build fire, tend fire, carry ashes. Read the complete works of Charles Dickens in Romanian. Watch DVDs. Write obscene poems. Buy wood,  stack wood, carry wood. Build fire, tend fire, carry ashes. Dream of topless beaches; hell, any beaches. Read Absolom! Absolom! backwards. Rewrite Moby Dick from the point of view of the whale (good review from PETA guaranteed). Nap. Buy wood,  stack wood, carry wood. Build fire, tend fire, carry ashes.


1 comment:

  1. I once lived in an ancient house where we had to get up every 4 hours to feed the beast. Being the only source of heat for an overhead appartment as well as our own, it's not like we had a choice in the matter and it sucked royally.
