Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

In The End...

"Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muß man schweigen." - Ludwig Wittgenstein


I thought when you left
that it was just the end of you;
of course, I was wrong.
It was the end of me, too.
  - mce

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The turns of life
are imperceptible;
without knowing how,
some morning,
you find yourself
where you are.
  - mce

The Conversation

If you shout
long enough
into oblivion,
nothing replies.
  - mce


The heart
of the wood
burns hottest;
the heart
of a living man,
as well.
Both consume
to produce
light and heat.
In the end,
only ashes
  - mce

The Creek Knows

The creek fell
two feet last night.
Doesn't seem
to mind.
Perhaps it knows,
we are all fallen.
  - mce

Same Difference

Most folks
have a past;
I have
same difference.
  - mce


words freeze,
 - mce

Monday, January 18, 2010


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ars Poetica

From the mouth
of God's silence
I write these words,
not for glory or to please,
only to remind myself
that in the vast emptiness
of these lonely days,
I am still here and alive.
 - mce


They all
want to hear you
sing of the light;
damned few
will listen
when the song
turns dark.
  - mce

Thar She Flows!

The weather has moderated here in TN. Today it is raining. The good news is that, for the first time in two weeks, I have running water. Joy! I can take a hot shower in my own house, do dishes, clean. I don't know how long this will last, so I intend to make full and hearty use of it. Life's little amenities don't mean much until they vanish, but when they do, you really come to appreciate them. Simple pleasures, always the best.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Battlefield: Fragment, From An Unfinished Novel

The sky was appropriately the color of gun metal. The smell of cordite clung like rancid perfume. He inhaled. It wasn't much to look at. Not so much a field as a clearing. A patch of nothing blasted onto the hilltop by the exhalation of a few 500 pound bombs. The earth was loose; plowed by mortars and cultivated by machine guns. A place men would have to cross under fire without cover; a place where men would be harvested. Not completely, though. It had been awhile. Some vegetation had encroached. Here and there it smoldered. The jungle never slept. Like the enemy, it kept coming back. There were lumps strewn about at random. Large lumps, the bodies of the dead. Smaller lumps, pieces of them. Dragon's teeth, clumsily sown. At first light the grunts had gone out and executed the wounded, laughing as they blew their brains out. He didn't blame them. Mercy was absurd in war; only death was logical. The bodies would be left to caution the enemy. It wouldn't help, though. They would return. Like the jungle. Until it was theirs for good. The first result would be stench; the second, compost. When the jungle finally returned, where the lumps were would be just a little greener. That a man's death might produce so little. He took it all in one last time. So this is what a battlefield looks like. Son of a bitch.
  - mce

Borrowed Song

How often I have lain
beneath rain
on a strange roof,
dreaming of home.
  - mce

Fever: Fragment, From An Unfinished Novel

He awoke to fever and uncertainty. They blazed and rattled. He recognized them. They were not new. They were old friends come for a visit. They fit together well: feverish uncertainty. The fever came from his dying liver; he wasn't sure about the uncertainty. His body faltered; his mind quavered. Nothing would cure this, but he knew what would help. He knew that words and whiskey and sleep would soothe him. Food was out of the question, as was effort. The day was already over, but he wasn't, quite. He could still build a fire. He could still breathe. He read a little. Something appropriate. Faulkner. He sipped some whiskey, emptied his mind and let sleep approach. Today was accounted for. He wasn't dead yet. Tomorrow was another matter and none of his business. He was busy in the now. Let go. Trust. Surrender. Drift; sink; sleep. Nothing else matters, anymore. He had seen it all before. Everyone dies alone.
  - mce

Desire Never Ends

I have been
cold so long
that warmth
is just
a memory.
Come to me,
and build
the fire
that will
set me free.
  - mce


How I wish I could sail
to that fabled land
where otters frolic
and even the trees
murmur poetry
in French.
But I am ice-bound,
caught, for now,
in this frozen harbor.
We must be where we are.
Still, spring beckons;
soon, the sea will be free.
Unlikely as it may seem,
anything is possible
for a pirate
with a passport
on a mission.
  - mce

Death Is A Hunter

  - for Kyra

Death is a hunter
who never misses.
He stalks us all,
patiently awaiting
the proper moment,
takes perfect aim, fires,
and thinks we are gone.
Death is a gatherer
ceaselessly collecting,
eternally foraging,
and when he finds us
he slips us into his bag
and thinks we are gone.
Death is a messenger
delivering the telegram
that says our time is up.
He reads it to us
and thinks we are gone.
But death is mistaken.
Death is certain,
but it is not final.
The world we touched
is changed forever
by our journey in it,
however brief or long.
Something of us remains
in a child, a garden,
a painting, a poem,
a kiss or a caress.
Our hearts stop beating,
but breath does not depart.
Those we leave behind
have only to inhale
and once again
we are with them,
and within them.
Bodies die; love never does.
Each life, sacred and eternal,
inspires Creation.
We are never truly gone.
  - mce

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Pirate's Pledge

Only let me
enter your harbor,
Lady, awhile
and I will linger
there, long enough,
to make you smile.
  - mce

Stay Your Hand, Hangman...

As it turns out, the class I thought wouldn't run will. Of course, no one told me, so I didn't show up for the first session. First time in 32 years in the biz that that ever happened.

So I have been reinstated from destitute to merely poor. God Bless America, land where even anarchist poets can eke out a marginal (if uncertain) living...

To celebrate, I'm off to score a fifth of bourbon. Hey, life can be a bitch, you have to celebrate occasions like this.

Later today, I'll nip at the whiskey, tend the fire and re-watch Avatar, which I pirated last week.

All's well that ends well. Oops, someone already said that. How about, money and women show up in their own good time. I said that.

Into the day...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sunny Southern Waterfall

Just around the corner from where I live.

Jesse Collin Young


If I can but
squeeze through
the narrow Bardo
one more time,
I'll get it right.
  - mce

Root Song

not far
beneath this
crunchy white
life waits for
light and warmth
to try again.
- mce


Reading poetry,
early in the morning,
very nearly
restores my life,
only not quite.
- mce

The Task At Hand

I must
pull myself
show up
and act like
a professor.
- mce

Brief History Of A Relationship

Love affair

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Consensus Reality

She tells me,
as I unbutton
her dress,
that she no longer
believes in love;
I murmur
feigned agreement,
but stick to
the task at hand.
  - mce

Polonius Was Wrong

In an outhouse
at nineteen degrees,
brevity is the soul
of survival.
  - mce


 - for my students

Beginning a new semester
once again I encounter
bright, thoughtless faces
staring at me as if
I were a curious, irrelevant
antiquity from a museum
they don't wish to visit.
The earth is fresh to them
and they are unbruised,
for a little while yet,
by the unforgiving realities
that life must provide.
I shuffle papers and make
solemn pronouncements
about the beauty of learning.
They yawn and fondle
the ubiquitous cell-phones
I have so cruelly
ordered turned off.
I no longer envy them
their youth or their future.
They remind me of pigeons
ready to be plucked.
I am tempted to tell them
the  necessary brutal truths:
half their marriages
will end in anger and divorce,
others will drag on in despair;
there is no such thing
as true love forever and ever;
the jobs they dream of will
mostly be empty and boring
and obsolete in short order;
the corporations and the usurers
have already captured the world;
that the earth is poisoned
and dying a slow, certain death;
how there are no more secrets
and the government may now legally
read their texts and emails,
listen to their conversations
and learn down to the last moan
even how and with whom
they make love;
that there will be more
than just rumors of war
and they will have to pay for them
in blood, loss and treasure;
that God is otherwise occupied
crushing children in Haiti;
that we have utterly failed them.
But I don't, of course.
They wouldn't hear me if I tried.
Bloody, weeping holocaust
that it has always been,
the world must be rediscovered
by every shiny, new generation.
Mentally wishing them luck,
I do my job, stick to the syllabus,
say a prayer for their possibilities,
turn it all over to them, smile,
and continue to pretend.
  - mce

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So much more
than merely
a principle;
ask the cat
in the box.
  - mce

Night Thoughts

It's 3:30 AM. Can't sleep. Found out today that one of my classes won't run. Low enrollment.

On the upside, this means 100 fewer inept, boring, pointless soul-killing papers to read this semester. That's a very good thing. On the downside, this will move me from poverty to destitution. Bummer.

What's a poor boy to do? Fret? Be blue? Not I. No, in the true American spirit of initiative and self-reliance, I have chosen a nobler (albeit short-term) solution. I'm getting high, drinking up some borrowed scotch and watching the director's cut of Animal House.

I'm not positive, but I suspect that the Meaning of Life is hidden in Animal House. I've only seen it 20 or so times, but each time I feel I'm getting closer to discovering The Secret. Enlightenment isn't easy. You have to keep at these things.

What about the future? Well, in the morning I'll be beat, bleary and still broke. That would happen in any case. Fortunately, we pirates know the truth about tomorrow. Truth is, there is no tomorrow. It never comes. It's all the same long-assed day.

If there is one thing I've learned in the last three years, it's that moments matter, and at the moment, I'm feeling pretty damned good. Hoist the Jolly Roger. Pour another drink. Argh... matey, call it a victory. Sail on.
  - mce

Monday, January 11, 2010


Not a drop
of whiskey
to fortify
my coffee
on this frigid


Americans scramble about
like hyperactive lemmings
trying to fix themselves.
Vanity; egotistic futility;
pointless self-obsession.
How can you fix yourself
when you are already you?
  - mce

Zen Fantasy

Trying in vain
to keep warm,
he accidentally
burned down
his shack.
As the flames rose,
he attained
Such brilliance!
 - mce

Jim Harrison

"To write a poem you must first create a pen that will write what you want to say. For better or worse, this is the work of a lifetime."


Come, Muse,
don't be just
another teasing
Sing through me.
Time is short.
Everyone dies.
Breathe into me
while I still
have a voice.
No one wants
 a song
from a corpse.
  - mce


A hour and a half
of stuffing the stove
and it's forty-two degrees
inside the shack.
Existence has become
hand to hand combat
with the elements.
The elements appear
to be winning.
  - mce

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Even a distant voice
resonates warmth
on a glacial morning.
 - mce

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Pedagogical Sentence

 - "A college professor is someone who talks in someone else's sleep." - W. H. Auden

Off to teach once again.
Another semester beckons.
Students who don't read,
respect or understand words.
Colleagues mostly
young enough to be
my own children.
Migrant worker wages.
If only I had learned
a decent, honest trade,
like mortician or plumber,
I wouldn't be in this fix.
Oh well, we must all do
what will feed us.
Once more, into the breach.
  - mce

Silenus Laments

Silenus, sad
old satyr,
of seduction.
He'd cultivated
enough nymphs
to last
an immortal
They were
all the same
their beatific
bottoms lifted
and eager
to be impaled.
He dreamed
of mortal women,
wary and
with wiles.
A bit more of
a challenge.
But a job
is a job,
even for
a demigod.
he plowed.
Another furrow.
Back to work.
Hard at it.
  - mce


The sunlight kissed snow
is pregnant with prisms;
they birth colors
that swarm and dance
like graceful children
within the whiteness.
  - mce


My joy and
pity it doesn't
pay better.
  - mce

Apologies To Homer

The rosy-fingered dawn
wore gloves this morning.
  - mce

Exquisite Impedimenta

Lady, though
it weighs
upon me,
to abandon
the memory
of your eyes
would be
to discard
the very hope
of Magick.
I will carry
this load
a bit farther.
Some burdens
are a pleasure
to bear.
  - mce


He can't afford a sacrifice,
the priests do not work cheap;
he's standing on the lip of Hell
considering a leap.
Will you walk beside him now
to the edge of the abyss,
and stay that final footstep,
preserve him with a kiss?
The moneys gone, the game is up,
he's missed the gleaming prize;
there's cold within his lonely bones,
there's sorrow in his eyes.
He needs to know there's still a chance
to feel the brush of grace,
the lost caress of hopefulness
upon his aging face.
Throw the Tarot, toss the coins,
hear what the spirits say;
he needs a resurrection
on this January day.
So will you walk beside him now
to the edge of the abyss,
and stay that final footstep,
preserve him with a kiss?
For the world is gray and barren,
the land is deep in snow;
he's standing on the lip of Hell
with nowhere left to go.
  - mce

Friday, January 8, 2010


Reading, alone in this
mortuary silent cabin,
the words seem to shout
from the pages.
  - mce


I move south,
away from winter.
the longest streak
of sub-freezing days
in twenty years.
These two sentences
contain the story
of my life.
  - mce

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tennessee In The Snow

Economics 101

I was born poor.
Fifty-eight years later,
I am still poor.
Somewhere in between,
there must lurk a lesson
I haven't learned.
  - mce

Existential Dilemma

Am I drinking
the whiskey
or is the whiskey
drinking me?
 - mce

Work Ethic

The rose
I discovered
on her butt
made all
that effort
  - mce

True Love

Please hurry
and find me,
I'm almost
  - mce


Hauling wood
this morning,
I think I heard
the creek
within the creek.
  - mce

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Only A Memory

Limpid and glowing,
your green eyes
were emeralds
dripping light
into the darkness
of my life.
  - mce


Lady, I have
burned for love;
all that remains
for you to embrace
are ashes.
  - mce

In Search Of Lost Time

Five years ago today
I retrieved my divorce decree
from a mailbox in the rain.
A marriage begun in light and bright,
ended in damp and drizzle.
Thirty years of life wasted in-between;
the longest, most expensive blind date
in all of history.
  - mce


For each poet,
only one poem exists.
Again and again, we attempt
to write it down, exactly
as it should be.
It shifts and sways and eludes.
This is like trying
to capture moonbeams,
the work of a lifetime.
  - mce

My Job

From the pellucid
night sky,
a waning half-moon
spills frozen light
on writhen branches
of forlorn trees.
Two owls
hoot conversation.
A distant coyote
attempts to join in.
I am the amanuensis
of early morning:
if I do not
write this down,
no one will know;
this useless,
frigid beauty
will disappear
with the dawn.
  - mce

New Day

In the chill morning darkness
the soul gropes blindly about
trying to find its pants.
  - mce


If you were here
and warm,
I would inhale
your breath,
hold your spirit
in my lungs
and become
young again.
  - mce

After The Battle

Looking at a stand
of broken trees,
fallen and strewn
randomly about
by the wind,
I remember
the futility of war.
  - mce

Jim Harrison

Winter knows
when a man's pockets
are empty.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hepatitis C Morning

The assiduous virus
spikes and writhes
in my tainted blood
nibbling at my liver,
eating up my time.
Energy disappears;
I shine and glow;
my stomach tumbles.
The mortality worm
chomps and gnaws.
All I did to earn this
was try to save
a few friendly lives.
The lesson learned
is that there is no
lesson to be learned.
The law of unintended
operates ineluctably.
No one to blame,
not even God.
In the end, we all fall.
Shit simply happens.
Don't mean nothing,
nothing at all.
  - mce

Monday, January 4, 2010


Waking to the resonance
of a woman
breathing gently
in the night:
the irenic murmuring
of the flesh
dispelling darkness.
 - mce

"The Real Deserts Are Outside Of Tradition."

The protocols
of morning
rising at five,
coffee laced
with bourbon;
lighting the initial
the sounds of Bach;
urging a new fire
to life;
watching dawn
break from
the frozen deck;
even visiting
the frigid outhouse.
These small acts,
repeated daily,
become rites
that mold
and shape the
random disorder
of existence,
coax meaning
from the bedlam
of being.
Ritual extirpates chaos;
the world returns
to light.
  - mce

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Arizona Dreaming

Five AM.
Ten degrees outside,
Thirty-eight inside.
Water's frozen.
Wood's frozen.
I'm freezing.
Thought I'd
moved south.
Instead, I wake
to arctic reality.
The Tennessee
guidebooks never
mentioned this.
Next winter,
I swear,
will find me
in the desert.
  - mce

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I heat my shack
with wood and whiskey,
absolute necessities
of the rustic life,
and it requires
a good deal of both.
Cedar and oak,
bourbon and coffee,
these are the body
and the blood,
without and within,
sources of warmth,
sustenance of life,
forever and ever,
fires without end
or at least
until spring,
(I hope).
  - mce

'Twas The Season

The dreaded holidays recede.
Greed and gluttony,
bogus religiosity,
mandatory jollity,
painful remembrance,
all depart for another year.
The merchandising serpents,
having sold their apples,
slither back to their offices
to count the take.
The usurers smile
and unbutton their vests.
The God of Mammon
is sated for a while.
The possibilities
of real life return
and that is truly
something to celebrate.
  - mce

Friday, January 1, 2010


I admit that
I have been
a fool for love.
I don't care.
It was worth it.
If you won't be
a fool for love,
you will always
be a fool.
  - mce


I should have
forgotten you
long ago.
It hurt.
Those green eyes
will never
let me go.
Time passes.
Things change.
We move on.
But even in the
longest silences,
I have always
missed you,
do still,
always will.
 - mce


I am splitting wood
with my brand new
just bought yesterday
eight pound maul.
Gripping its very cool
red fiberglass handle
I whack with abandon.
I am transformed.
No longer just an aging
refugee college professor,
I am become
a mighty woodsman,
a handsome lumberjack,
Only now, my back hurts.
I need a cigarette,
a drink and a nap.
they always come
with such a price.
  - mce


 - for JLB

In his whole life,
he had loved
only three women;
she was the last.
If love
is a Trinity,
that makes her
his Holy Ghost,
the breath of God,
always present,
never visible:
so stunningly
  - mce


Eat more often.
Be grateful for breath.
Notice smiles.
Smile back.
Surrender to serenity.
Get a cat.
Split more wood.
Build bigger fires.
Stay warm.
Drown in desire.
Embrace Creation,
flawed but gorgeous.
Walk in beauty.
Taste the breeze.
Touch someone's heart.
Feel the music.
Find the blaze of light
in every word.
Remember the best.
Learn from the worst.
  - mce