Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Night Thoughts

It's 3:30 AM. Can't sleep. Found out today that one of my classes won't run. Low enrollment.

On the upside, this means 100 fewer inept, boring, pointless soul-killing papers to read this semester. That's a very good thing. On the downside, this will move me from poverty to destitution. Bummer.

What's a poor boy to do? Fret? Be blue? Not I. No, in the true American spirit of initiative and self-reliance, I have chosen a nobler (albeit short-term) solution. I'm getting high, drinking up some borrowed scotch and watching the director's cut of Animal House.

I'm not positive, but I suspect that the Meaning of Life is hidden in Animal House. I've only seen it 20 or so times, but each time I feel I'm getting closer to discovering The Secret. Enlightenment isn't easy. You have to keep at these things.

What about the future? Well, in the morning I'll be beat, bleary and still broke. That would happen in any case. Fortunately, we pirates know the truth about tomorrow. Truth is, there is no tomorrow. It never comes. It's all the same long-assed day.

If there is one thing I've learned in the last three years, it's that moments matter, and at the moment, I'm feeling pretty damned good. Hoist the Jolly Roger. Pour another drink. Argh... matey, call it a victory. Sail on.
  - mce

1 comment:

  1. Mike- I read this aloud to my roommate Kat- with whom you'd be on par for the majority of your insights- and we had a good laugh. I'm glad you're keeping up your spirits matie...
    You are a rockstar. Keep it up.
